Submiting your work


We encourage you, before to start implementing anything, to reach out to us by filing a ticket in Gitlab with a feature tag. Explain what is your plan, if you plan to do it in multiple steps, anything that can help us figure out how it fits within the current workload, if we will be available to help/test/review, what is the appropriate milestone etc...

If we are in a release cycle (beta/RC*), it will surely have to wait for the next big release. While we don't enforce a strict code-freeze policy, we avoid pushing new features once we try to reach a stable state. But nonetheless, your feature will make its way into Siril!

Once the plan is clear, you'll need to:

  • Fork this project in your own repo

  • Create a branch (do not make your changes on your fork master!!!) and make your changes

  • Create a Merge Request from your branch to master, with a Draft: prefix. Please keep the box Allow commits from members who can merge to the target branch ticked. This will allow us to make commit in your branch if required.

  • Once the work has progressed enough, follow the steps there so that your feature is properly documented.

  • Test your feature extensively. As you have seen in the introduction of Writing a Feature, there are many cases to cover!

  • When you think it is ready, you can remove the Draft: prefix.

  • We will first test but most importantly review your code. While we've tried to give you here a good overview of what's going on behind the curtains, we may find stuff in your code that does not belong where it should or that could do with a bit of rewriting.

  • Once all the commenting threads have been resolved, we can merge your feature! Congrats!


Here-below a list of what you should check:

  • you have updated files ChangeLog and NEWS explaining (in short) what your new feature or bugfix does,

  • your fork master branch is synced with Siril master and you have no merge conflict (remember to merge master in your branch regularly),

  • you have changes in the 4 command files (if you have added/updated a command),

  • you have added new files in po/ if they have translatables,

  • you don't have ANY GUI-related calls in the processing threads,

  • you have checked that no job has failed on Gitlab CI.

Tips and tricks

In no particular order, yet all equally important:

  • comment your code

  • keep all the functions that can be static static

  • do not define a variable with a scope broader than required and don't forget to initialize it if needed

  • handle error conditions and give proper indications of what went wrong

  • if you need to write something more than once, it means you should make a function out of it. The parser in Write the command for a single image is an example of this.

  • if you need to run something more than once, you should cache the result. Siril is the fastest astronomy image processing software and we work hard to keep it this way.

  • all the variables that are allocated with glib functions should be freed with g_free. Conversely, use free on memory allocated with malloc/calloc.

  • use the functions provided by glib to handle creating filenames/paths. They do prevent lots of troubles for multi-platform software.

  • all the commands should be made stateless, meaning that they should not require a previous command to be successful (other than loading an image for single-image commands) and will give always the same result for the same input

  • For some tricky cases, you may need to use #ifdef _WIN32 to handle behavior on Windows and the opposite for Unix-based OSes.

  • if you need to import <windows.h> in one of your functions, make sure core/siril.h is included after. Otherwise, it will break Windows build.

  • if in doubt, reach out to us to know if a function already exists that does what you want. It could be hidden there, awaiting to be rediscovered.

  • do not add depencies to other libs before having discussed the matter with us. We are trying to keep the number of deps as low as possible.

Bug fixes

You may also want to contribute by fixing a bug described in a ticket.


If you spot a bug, first thing is to open a ticket anyway.

You will first need to determine if it affects both stable branch and developement branch (master), if not already mentionned in the ticket. We will use an example where stable is branch 1.2 and next major release is 1.4 (under master)

If it affects both:

  • tag ticket it to milestone 1.2.0.

  • Create a branch with your fix and make a MR. Your MR should target master.

  • Update changelog/NEWS adding the description of the fix and the ticket number (#xxx) in the 1.2.x section

  • Remove the Draft: status

  • Once we have merged to master, thanks to your tagging it to 1.2.0, we will know we need to backport and we'll cherry-pick in 1.2 branch directly.

If it affects only 1.2:

  • same as above but your MR should target 1.2 branch

It it affects only master:

  • same but you should tag it to 1.4.0 milestone


In the MR description, don't forget to add a mention like fixes #xxx. Gitlab will recognize the syntax and close the ticket automatically when it gets merged.